WFP ChallengeR Qualifier 1
Registration Open till March 25, 8:00PM CST
The WFP Challenger Qualifier 1 is an online competition that allows challengers worldwide to compete for qualification into the WFP Tour 1. This is the first step for challengers to showcase their talents and earn their way toward a pro card in the next season!
20-Minute AMRAP
20/15 Calorie Row
20 Lateral Burpees Over the Rower
40 Shuttle Runs (1 rep = 7.6 m (25 ft))
Workout Rules & Standards
Time Cap: 20 minutes.
Score: Total completed reps at time cap
Tie breaker: Time to complete Round 3
For Time
150 Double-Unders
30.4m/100 ft Farmer Hold Walking Lunges
45 Pull-Ups
120 Double-Unders
30.4m/100 ft Front Rack Walking Lunges
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
90 Double-Unders
30.4m/100 ft Double Overhead Walking Lunges
15 Bar Muscle-Ups
Workout Rules & Standards
Lunges: 4 x 7.6m (25ft) sections
Dumbbells: 22.5 / 15kg (50/35lb)
For Time: Athletes must complete all movements in order, as prescribed.
Score: Total time to complete the workout or reps completed at the 15 minute time cap.
Two Part Workout
PART 3A: 5 Rounds for Time
15.2m/50 ft Handstand Walk (2 x 7.6m (25ft) unbroken segments)
10 Deadlifts 143/102kg (315/225lb)
Rest 2:00 After Completing
PART 3B: 5 minute AMRAP
15 Wall Walk Complexes*
Max Cleans in Remaining Time 102/70kg (225/155lb)
Complex* 1 Wall Walk + 1 Wall-Facing Handstand Push-Up (HSPU)
Workout Rules & Standards
Mandatory Rest: Athlete will rest 2:00 from the time it took to complete Part A, on a running clock or at 7:00 mins
Part A: Time to complete 5 rounds or the total number of reps completed at time cap.
Part B: Total number of reps completed at time cap.
Tie breaker:
Part A: Time to complete Round 3.
Part B: Time the athlete completes the 15 Wall Walk Complexes.
Register for the World Fitness Project Tour Event 1
The WFP Tour Event 1 will be the first live event of the WFP Inaugural 2025 Season. Held in Indianapolis, Indiana at the Grand Park Sports Campus, this event will showcase Professional, Challenger, and Competitive Division athletes climbing the ranks for the World Fitness Finals.
Download the WFP 2025 Competition Rulebook